Thursday, June 28, 2007

the best formula

having been breastfeeding for nearly 5 months, i fully understand that the success to breastfeed depends greatly on how much you yourself believe in it, how much effort you are willing to give, and how much support your important others give you. to me, i'm really fortunate to have the full support of mac, my parents and in-laws who truly appreciate the benefits of breastmilk. but to my astonishment, there are still mothers of our age and education level who are actually proud that their babies are fed with forumla, the japanese brands in particular. and i can't believe that some mothers whom i met at the hospital have actually decided to feed their babies with formula from the very first day of their lives, without even trying...

the rthk programme 鏗鏘集 will talk about how the marketing strategies of forumla manufacturers lead us to believe that their formula is the best one. the programme will be aired on July 9 7 pm on Jade, and can also been viewed online on the RTHK website afterwards. i really hope that breastfeeding mothers will become the majority in hong kong soon, and not an under-priviledged group anymore.

and salute to all mothers who have already fulfilled their milkie roles, are still breastfeeding or at least tried their best to give their babies the best start in life.






香港有不少奶粉公司都成立了「媽咪會」、「BB會」,派發樣本與各式禮物,並舉行育嬰講座。初生嬰兒奶粉雖無廣告,但持續奶粉廣告卻排山倒海而來。更多家長認為,奶粉商送禮、送樣本、賣廣告,並不影響餵哺決定,但是大家又有沒有想過哺乳的問題不只是選擇的問題,更是一個公共健康的課題呢? 菲律賓的例子可能可以給我們一點啟示。


1 comment:

Hilton said...

I am determined to participate into you role and hope that I can be as success as you!!