Monday, December 5, 2011

open up yourself please

哥哥自小都是慢熱的人,不喜歡與陌生人(就算是小朋友也好)交談,以為大了一點會改善,誰知越大越變本加厲,就連揮手說再見也不肯,學校的老師也說有時候問他一些問題,就連簡單的yes or no他也不願說,要費上半天時間再他才肯點頭或搖頭。當我們懷疑他是否不懂表達自己,但老師又說,到遊戲時間看見他與一大班男孩玩到嘻嘻哈哈,說不停嘴!



1 comment:

Rachel said...

May be Rafael is an introvert like me.

Being an introvert to the extreme (which I didn't know until my cpy put me to an aptitude test 15 years ago), I always felt myself a round peg in a square hole coz introverts are minorities in society and always being misunderstood by extroverts.

I recently read this:

and I couldn't agree more.

Haven't meet Rafael for long. And Heather is really cute and cheeky. Wish you all well.