rafael has been fancying about cars - not only his toy cars but also the real ones. today when we passed by the mercedes showroom, he suddenly said to us, " why don't we take a look at the cars here?"
amy, is it time to get a new car to satisfy his wish? : P
嘩, 每次上街都有車隊同行的嗎?!
rafa爸: 下次同rafa夾好, 去porche車行呀嘛…
I wonder the same thing, do u bring all these cars each time u go out? your toy bag must be heavy to carry....
(Amy...I laughed about Mac's blog because somehow this blog is more about daddy's hidden message rather than about Rafael...^_^)
judy & yoshi mom: yes indeed cars are our staple items in every restaurant trip in order to keep him at the table! we let him choose 5 or 6 cars each time :P
and that was the mercedes showroom that we went into that day.
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