Wednesday, January 23, 2008

baby thinnovation

introducing the world's thinnest (toy) mobile phone...

(baby) Nokia Air!

now let our model baby rafa present you with a 360 degree view of this new gadget:

靖愷:aaaaah-pu,最近nokia出左部好似紙咁薄既手提呀!仲正過macbook air架!



媽媽:wow, this is really the baby gadget of the year!

  • 幾個星期前送你上學時,你仍會依依不捨,哭著不要我離去。近日你已不再對我哭著示意要我抱抱,雖然有時仍會倚在欄前向我張望,不過一會兒又會爬到別處玩耍。
  • 看到你在playpen內一面推著車車一面爬,老師說最近你常常這樣玩,還說你常扶著牆壁練習步行呢。
  • 李老師播放兒歌時在做動作,你和其他小朋友靜靜地坐在她跟前觀看,好像在看表演呢!有個較大的小朋友則在嘗試跟著做,很可愛。
  • 星期一開始著老師在你的午餐中加上蛋,你的濕疹差了一點,不知你是否對蛋敏感,還是因為天氣的關係?


  • 近日因為公公婆婆都在看這網誌的關係,和看了很多用中文寫的blog,都想用中文寫作,所以媽媽在學倉頡,不過因為打得太慢,這一刻還是轉回用速成。
  • 產假後,媽媽今天已是第xxx次遲到上班。沒法子,在學校真的很依依不捨,不想離去。


Kambayashi said...

Rafael, u are so cute, so high tech. I wonder if you got some electric shock, your hair seems to be flowing upwards, into the air...heehee. u are so cute.

amy said...

rafael: auntie sabrina, yes i think my mother permed my hair when i was asleep! yoshi, what do you eat to have your hair so black, thick and healthy?

Kambayashi said...

Well, it might be too late Rafael. When I was pregnant with Yoshi, I ate lots of McDonald french fries & ice-cream, perhaps that's why Yoshi has lots of hair (don't ask me how this formula came up) BUT, but...less hair is also a good thing: summer time- much cooler; winter time- less electric shock. ^_^