i am the one who feeds rafael medicine, no matter chinese or western, whenever he is sick. this is kind of a tough job as rafael is no longer a tiny baby who lies in my arms helplessly but a small boy who will resist with his utmost strength when encountering something that he dislikes. and he will also remember the people who treat him good or bad!
in order not to be hated by him, i need to play some small tricks… thanks jax for this inspiration.



I shouldn't be laughing when rafa is sick - but I am.
Brilliant idea! You even changed the jacket, 正所謂做戲做全套嘛.
Me & Nori laughed very hard with the new daddy image. May I suggest one thing- u might want to close the window curtains at the background, just in case someone call the child welfare agency, or call 999 reporting bank robery....
Is Rafael ok? did he eat too much candy during the holiday? Poor guy, he really looked very confused with the whole incident....get well soon.
Amy- I can't imagine how u can keep the camera still, I would laughed so hard that my picture would all be out of focus. Good job.
You are so creative!!!oh should i buy you a new hood so that you can create more different images? (actually i hope you need not do this again in the future!)
Will amy do something like this too? :P
same here, 祝麥氏一家身體健康!!!
thanks all of you for your warm regards. rafael is getting better now after having met the mystery man twice : )
I think Rafa cried not because of the medicine but because of the kidnappper. Scary but creative. Good job! Not only helping him get better but also teaching him how to say "no" (cry out loud) to kidnapper.
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