the ferry departed at 4.40 pm and it was also rafael's tea time!
db is such a nice place where you can't find another pacific coffee with a view like this.
除愉景灣的這一間外,還有沒有pacific coffee擁有這樣的露天無敵海景?amy 和我都愛上愉景灣了…

desmond was nice enough to prepare all the food and beverage for the bbq, and also this chocolate fondue! can you see rafael's saliva coming out from his mouth??

words were unable to describe how disappointed rafael was when he found that the ice-cream ball went to amy's mouth but not his! to make it up to rafael, amy tried to give him some grapes...

the consequence was the same - rafael was still disappointed... perhaps even worse as the grapes were sour!
amy 嘗試用提子來平伏靖愷的失望,靖愷用面部表情顯示他的回應…

all of us were having a great time yesterday. desmond, will you change your mind to keep staying in db so that we can enjoy another great time in future? : P

haha Rafael, I know, poor guy, the chocolate looks & taste much better than the grapes. Your facial expression was just so funny. ^_^
rafael doesn't like baby food very much (except those crunchy finger foods) and he always wants to eat what we eat! sometimes we try to fool him by putting his porridge in our bowl but then our trick is always foiled : P
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