Wednesday, February 18, 2009

little bread maker


於是,我們星期六學了jamie oliver自製麵包!

b is for bread making!



翌日我們用pesto sauce和芝士做了脹卜卜的香草軟心芝士包,謝謝爸爸早餐時吃了四個以示支持!



Sarah Yuen said...

看來很好味呀,Aunt Amy 果然多才多藝噃!

alsace said...

曾經打算買麵包機, 不過友人話做出來的麵包皮會厚, 我一定不喜歡, 經了解後, 我放棄了買麵包機.

孜媽 said...





klau said...

Let's have a party at your sweet home.

aulina said...

二千幾果部買唔過呀(對,我孤寒)... 我除咗麵包機成功之外,每次自己徒手弄都是大失敗的!

Kambayashi said...

Amy, I think u are an awesome mom. You have so much patience in teaching Rafael and doesn't mind the mess he might have created. I don't know why, but I really can't stand the mess, and I need to learn from you to teach with love. Great job mom. The bread looks delicious.

amy said...

dear all: 歡迎一起來開個麵包派對!!

yoshi's mom: i should have mentioned that i actually gave rafael a lecture after he dropped the yeast on the floor (and daddy complained about the sour smell of the yeast).

i have to say i'm pretty tolerant to a dirty and messy home. what's more, we have a part-time helper coming on mondays so i can make a mess on weekends and get away with the cleaning! :P

Kambayashi said...

Hey Amy, u shouldn't have told me all the "behind the scene" details. I was imagining a happy loving family (with no complaint) making breads together....(including dad)...^_^ but anyway, still a great family, working on the projects together. Good job. Great idea inspiration for us.

Judy said...

Auntie Judy loves bread!! Please let her know the time and date of the next "bread party"!!

mewmew said...

Hi there -

I have a bread machine at home but somehow the quality of the bread made from the machine is rather poor. Jax heard that the trick is to replace water with milk. May be worth a try!