Thursday, September 1, 2011

leftover food log

mac 應該沒看過廚餘日記,所以我有點驚嘆他竟想出這不用打不用氹不用罵的文明方法,來迫靖愷盡量吃完他的食物。

asking rafael to finish his food has always been a chore. during our trip, mac came up with this idea to motivate/force rafael to do so by taking a photograph to record his leftover food at every meal. i was pretty impressed because it worked better and is more civilised than scolding or nagging. to play fair, we will of course photograph everyone's including those of heather.

leftover food


gwenzilla said...

sound like it is a very effective way, huh....I am taking note of this and when the time come, I will do the same to Wesley. haha....

alsace said...

Thank you for the sharing. I may try it when aidan doesn't want to finish his food.

amy said...

gwen & alsace: it's quite easy for rafael to get distracted at meal times. hope you don't need to handle this chore like us!