

guess what attracted rafael the most in toys r'us? it's not puppet, it's not robot, it's not lego but this toy kitchen! perhaps he wanted to imitate daddy who works so hard in doing the housework at home? : P that's great, i could start teaching him how to do washing, and then laundry, and then cooking... (grandpa after reading this post please don't rush to buy one as our home got no more space to accommodate it!!).
也許經常看見辛勤的爸爸經過一天十五小時的工作後還在廚房拼命的洗洗洗,靖愷似乎於心不忍,也想幫幫忙... (註:爺爺看見這一段,請不要買這個玩具給靖愷,我們家已經放不下了,而且我打算讓靖愷體驗真的洗碗,讓我可以多點時間更新這個blog!)

as usual, little rafa also showed great enthusiasm towards keyboard-and-mouse-like-objects (again, grandpa after reading this post please don't rush to buy one as our home got no extra tv set to connect this toy!!).
靖愷看見這部電腦,當然第一時間飛撲過去,打算check check mail 和msn他的網友。噢,靖愷,爸爸忘了告訴你這部電腦還未安裝modem,上不了網呢!(註:爺爺看見這一段,也不要買這個玩具給靖愷,因為我打算讓靖愷洗碗之餘,遲一點還打算讓他煮飯洗衫,他應該沒有空餘時間玩電腦了。)

之前希希去健康院檢查時, 我妹妹話醫生都有建議比一些煮飯仔玩具BB玩,好似話訓練table manner喎。
而我另一個在澳洲的朋友亦買了一個迷你kitchen給兒子,他們用來訓練BB那一些東西可以吃, 那一些不可以。所以煮飯仔玩具不一定是給女仔的。
訓練table manner, that sounds like a good idea for the bad-mannered rafael. let me get a set of baby cookingware for rafael! it will be fun to play 煮飯仔 with him! :)
Amy, about Mac's rejection for letting u get a lab top for Rafael, perhaps u should let grandpa know Rafael's interest. I'm sure the needs will be meet within 24 hrs. (that's typical grandpa's style)
sabrina, yes yes, that's a good idea. let me give grandpa some hints tonight :P
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