Sunday, June 1, 2008

i got stuck!

why most of the slides nowadays are made of plastic but no longer steel? rafael looks so helpless every time when he gets stuck in the half way...

為何現今的滑梯大多是塑膠製造的?我想大概設計或製造的人都只顧及方便打理而忽略用家的需要... 還我以往又窄又長又高夏天火辣冬天冰冷但滑得好快的不鏽鋼滑梯!


Unknown said...

so funny! Rafael looked really helpless when he was stuck!!!

btw, seems like you guys had tonnes of fun during your family trip!

Judy said...

Do the plastic slides nowadays make children "stuck" on them? That's soooooo funny. Rafa looks lost.

Yes, I remember those tall and scary but exciting steel slides.

Judy said...

Me again, what a funny funny tee.

amy said...

the crocs definitely makes it worse. guess the trick is to lift your feet up?

judy: i like the tee too, which is a souvenir from japan our colleague margaret brought us. another tee in the set says 過保護嚴禁, so right! :P

Kambayashi said...

really funny!!!so frustrated look.