Sunday, March 22, 2009

scary face

last time when i was talking about rafael's acting, i forgot to ask him to show a "scary face". perhaps rafael also knows my thought, so he decided to show you all how a scary face looks like when we visited the madagascar studio in ocean park yesterday...

see... does he look really terrified? i'm really impressed by his tear drops...



now we have such a big reservation in bringing rafael to the night safari given that he isn't really liking wild animals...


HNL Chinese Activities said...

又會這樣的? 沒關係! 下次再去過啦!

Kambayashi said...

HAHAHA...thanks for the laugh. ^_^

Sarah Yuen said...

Sarah 看了說:"佢做嘜事咁驚驚呀?" 證明愷愷的驚驚得到小童界的一致認同

Judy said...

嘿嘿嘿!去星加坡探AUNTIE CONNIE唔叫埋我!